I utilize a variety of healing modalities and tools designed to help you navigate life's complexities and discover deeper insights into who you truly are. Whether you're new to these methods or well-versed, my approach is centered on fostering a supportive environment where we explore together, with these tools at our disposal regardless of your familiarity with them. My goal is to empower you to embrace your unique path to personal growth and transformation.
Archetypal Astrology
Archetypal astrology is a form of astrology that focuses on the symbolic and psychological dimensions of the astrological symbols and patterns. It draws heavily from the work of Carl Jung and his concept of archetypes – universal symbols or patterns that manifest in myths, dreams, and cultural motifs.
In archetypal astrology, the planets, signs, and aspects are seen as representing different archetypal forces or principles within the human psyche. For example, the planet Venus might symbolize love, beauty, and relationships, while the sign of Aries might represent assertiveness and initiation.
Archetypal astrology is used as a tool for self-awareness, personal growth, and understanding the deeper patterns and themes in one's life. Using this framework, the birth chart can be interpreted in a way that emphasizes the symbolic meaning of planetary placements and configurations rather than focusing solely on predictions or personality traits.
We all want to have a guiding star in our lives. We want to feel that life is meaningful and our own life is, too. We want to be who we really are. We want to know what our purpose here is and to live from it.
Our astrological birth chart holds the keys to all of these questions.
Depth Coaching
Depth coaching is an integrative process designed to help you retrieve your own inner resources from the depths of your unconscious. These inner resources help you navigate the challenges and transitions of life and find your most authentic place in the world.
The opportunity here is to become the hero of one’s own life. To step out of the loop of the inner drama triangle (victim, perpetrator, hero) and use shadows as a pathway to breakthrough and anchor in your highest and best. To remove unconscious programs that narrow your view and block access to your truest self.
This is a process of developing deeper harmony between Ego, Soul, and Self. An empowering, forward-moving process that lightens the load. No longer burdened by the past or worried about the future, you begin to move powerfully in the Now.
The Ontological Coaching framework represents a paradigm shift—a distinct context for personal and team objectives. Unlike traditional coaching approaches, it diverges from instructing, pressuring, advising, or recommending. Instead, ontological coaching embraces a transformative path that centers around exploration, questioning, generative interpretations, and respectfully challenging mental models. This unique approach paves the way for a fresh perspective, unlocking novel actions and unveiling a realm of unexplored possibilities.
Gene Keys
The Gene Keys are a contemplative, archetypal system that provides us with a spiritual path to self-realization (understanding yourself, self-actualization (reaching your potential), and self-illumination (becoming enlightened).
It is a living transmission — a dynamic set of teachings that evolves as you do.
The Gene Keys Approach invites us to develop our humility through embodying the four qualities that lie at the heart of the Gene Keys:
Contemplation – taking full responsibility for one's inner state, using everyday challenges for growth and transformation .
Inquiry – asking the profound introspective questions, inviting wisdom to come from within. Cultivating a state of calm presence in all situations.
Gentleness – nurturing a kind and gracious approach towards self and others. Encouraging a spirit of unwinding and un-learning, versus striving and fixing.
Patience – cultivating compassion, honesty and curiosity with an inherent trust in the underlying process.