Trinity Soul Path Reading
(package of 3)
This reading package includes full navigation through the 3 soul sequences of The Gene Keys Golden Path in 3 separate sessions. These readings are for you if you:
Sense an inner pull towards exploring the archetypal realms of Gene Keys or Human Design and seek proficient assistance and analysis regarding your profile and sequences.
Prefer not to invest extensive time into studying these systems and terminologies from scratch, but instead desire immediate insights and practical application.
Have already explored the intricacies of Gene Keys or Human Design and seek further insights and perspectives to enhance understanding.
Are enthusiastic about leveraging life, relationships, and/or business endeavors as avenues for conscious spiritual and personal development.
You will receive all 3 readings:
Session 1– ACTIVATION: You'll receive the keys to unlocking your 4 Prime Gifts and life purpose.
Session 2 – VENUS: You'll receive your unique map to opening your heart and relationships.
Session 3 – PEARL: You'll receive soul guidance on growing your business, income, and impact.

The Seeker
(single reading)
A single session reading for one of the Gene Keys Sequences of your choosing – Genius (Purpose), Venus (Partnership), or Pearl (Prosperity). The Seeker is for you if you:
Sense an inner pull towards exploring the archetypal realms of Gene Keys or Human Design and seek proficient assistance and analysis regarding your profile and sequences.
Prefer not to invest extensive time into studying these systems and terminologies from scratch, but instead desire immediate insights and practical application.
Have already explored the intricacies of Gene Keys or Human Design and seek further insights and perspectives to enhance their understanding.
Are enthusiastic about leveraging your life, relationships, and/or business endeavors as avenues for conscious spiritual and personal development.